New Generation Consultants and Associates

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Dr. Gayl Crump Swaby LCSW

Founder and CEO of New Generation Consultants and Associates

Dr. Gayl Crump Swaby received her Master’s in Social Work from Boston University, School of Social Work. While at Boston University, she was awarded a National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship focusing on delivering culturally responsive treatment services to minority populations.

She has clinical mental health experience in community health centers, Schools, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health Agencies. In 2011 she received her Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University in Child and Youth Studies.
Dr. Crump Swaby is an Associate Professor and Director of the Clinical Mental Health Program at Springfield College, School of Social Work, Department of Counseling. She is the Founder/CEO of New Generation Consultants & Associates, Inc., a consulting, coaching, and counseling practice that focuses on multicultural and trauma-informed treatment and care. Dr. Crump Swaby works with adults, teens, parents and families looking for satisfaction, balance and growth. Her expertise in the areas treating trauma, multicultural issues, and parent and family dynamics and her unique blend of therapy and coaching combine to make her a powerful catalyst for change. Dr. Gayl also focuses on issues relating to women and girls, helping them work from the inside out to attain their life goals. She has traveled to several countries in Africa and South America, providing training and consultations around trauma. Dr. Gayl uses a holistic approach that integrates the mind, body, and spirit.
Dr. Gayl enjoys music, singing, gardening, traveling, and spending time with family, and alone time with God as a means of self-care.

Dr. Gayl Crump Swaby’s WORK


How to let go of generational Traumas & the wounds that keep us chained to the past?